Thursday, January 31, 2008
Eric's Mouse

See Flynn I can catch them furr myself.
Labels: Eric's mousie
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wordless Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tired Tuesday
Labels: tired out
Monday, January 28, 2008
Mancat Monday
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Easy Like Sunday Morning.

Mum took us furr a walk all around the feelds, and cuz we hafn't been furr many walks lately, we got reely tired.Today we are going to take it reely eezy. If we wore pyjamas, we'd be staying in them all day.
Labels: easy on Sunday, Eric thought I wuz Rosie
Saturday, January 26, 2008
What are you doing?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Who's been here?

Labels: Fields, freedom at last, Introoders, walkies
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Meme and award.

It's nice and simple, all you need to do is tell everyone 3 things that are new with you! Link it back to the purrson who gave it to you and pass it on to 3 more kitties you'd like to know more about! :)
We wuz arguing over who wuz going to do it, so instead of one of us doing three things, we're going to do two each so that means one is a bonus.
Eric: We got a Zoom Groom furr Chris Mouse. I allus like being brushed, but since mum got it furr us, I can't get enuff of it. She's only got to go near it and I run over wiv my back arched reddy furr her. I love it when dad duz it down the sides of my face, and when he duz my back it's bliss. He goes reely ruff on my back and I get excited and attack him. I don't mean it. I just can't help myself. Here's a video clip of my dad zooming me.
Flynn: I hate it when I'm not wiv my mum and I yowl LOUD furr her. When she's doing the horsies I can hear her the other side of the purrizen fence.There is a half inch gap in the gate where I can watch her. I haf just found that I can get my leg through that little gap and wave to her so she knows I'm there.
Eric: Flynn has allus been a yowler and he walks around the garden making a racket. I yooshully do the tiniest little meows and mum sez furr a big boy I got a little voice.Well I've shown her. If I go in the garden when it's dark I've found my big boy's voice. I'm not as loud as Flynn yet but I'm practicing.
Flynn: I've always been a cuddler and when mum's having her brekkfust I like to git on her lap and then cuddle up by her shoulder. Lately I haf been climbing rite up on her shoulder and she has to try and eat her brekkfust wiv me balanced up there.She sez I'm too heavy to stay up there, but she duzn't like to disturb me.
Well that's it and now I tag :
Maggy and Zoey, Sabrina, and Kellie the Orange Cat
Labels: Abby, awards, Chance, Kellie, Maggy and Zoey, meme, Sabrina, Sammy and Miles, video
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tummy Tuesday

Labels: Flynn, tummy rubs, tummy tuesday
Monday, January 21, 2008
Mancat Monday
We will miss you Caesar.
Here I am being mancatly wiv my dad. I like it when he picks me up near the ceiling so I can see if there are any spiders around.It looks like my head is nearly touching the ceiling but it must be camera angle cuz I wuzn't reely that close.

Labels: Caesar, Eric, Mancat monday
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Easy like Sunday Morning

Labels: easy on Sunday, Eric
Saturday, January 19, 2008
More awards and meme
Fanks furry much too all of you. We did a post about our awards a week ago which you can see here. We preeshee-ate efurry cat giving them to us.
We also got tagged by Marie furr a meme.
This meme is created by all of the kitties at The rules are, you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and to us! :) Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animals.What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
The three things I would do are:
1) We would get a ladder and get over our purrizen wall and stalk the vishus deer. It would be fun to go furr a walk on our own again like we used to .
2) We would go to our nearest neighbours who haf got the evil dawg who would eat us if we went in his garden, (he really would) and tell them he has got to be an indoors only dawg so we could go out on our own again.
3) When the Beans go on their croozes, we would hide in their sootcases so we can go wiv them instead of being locked up and home alone.
We tag:
Fat Eric, Grr and Tripper
Labels: awards
Friday, January 18, 2008
Shrinking Flynn

Labels: Honey I shrunk the Flynn, laser eyes.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My Nip Cigar and Banana
I really love nip and my most faverit fing was my nip carrot, but now I love my nippy banana and cigar too, that those grate poodins at 40 Paws sent. Here's a short clip of me wiv them.
Labels: 40 paws, Flynn, nip banana, nip cigar
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
We got another Chris Mouse purrezunt.

Labels: 40 paws, Chris Mouse, Nip
Monday, January 14, 2008
Mancat Monday

Labels: baff, Mancat monday
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Come home Annie and Mao
Come on Annie, we want you back indoors too.
Two of our furrends haf gone missing!
Mao where are you? We miss you very much. The FL and Mr.TF and Skeezix, Rocky and Trip are all frantic wondering where you are. If you are shut in somewhere yell yer lungs out so some-one can hear you. Please go back home safely.

Please scroll down furr later posts.
Sassy and Momo's competition

Labels: Flynn, I wuz neerly right, Momo, Opus and Roscoe, Sassy
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Three Awards.
Thinking Blogger Award.
Here are the rules:
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. (No fish or bird blogs, they'll just make you hungry)
2. Acknowledge this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!
Here are our nominations for the Thinking Blogger Award:
The Cat Blogosphere because through them we hear about all the kitties who are ill and in distress and it gives us the chance to think about them and maybe help if we can.
Dragonheart because he tells us all about Sphynx and that makes us think about breeds that we did not know about before.
Forty Paws For looking after all those lovely poodins. Also furr campaigning against all the terrible animal cruelty that still goes on.
Max because he makes us laff and fink of ways of getting our own back on our Beans when they annoy us wiv the flashy box. We hafn't tried the pooping on pillows yet, but it's still an opshun.
Sammy and Miles Meezer cuz they make us fink about HAM. Nuff sed.

We got the "You make my Day "award from Jan's Funny Farm.
This award is presented to bloggers whose blog brings you happiness and inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland. The rules are to pass the award along to up to 10 people.We want to pass it on to:
Karl and Ruis: Cuz we haf really enjoyed their cruise in Antarctica.
Tripper:Cuz he always makes us laff with what he does and says.
Zoolatry: Cuz we love to go and see what marvellous graffiks they have put up.

And also we got the Bloggers of the World award furrom Mickey.
This award was created by Colin and the only rule for this award seems to be that you link back to Colin as the point of origin of the award.
Thanks to all of you furr giving us theses great awards.
Labels: awards, fanks efurrycat
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Me and my Nippy Mouse.
We had lots of great stuff furr ChrisMouse, and one of the toys I got wuz this Nippy Mouse. It's great furr bunny kicking.
Labels: Flynn, nip mouse, video
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Seven Weird Things About Us.
Here are the rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.
Here are our 7 weird things:

2.Eric: I'm very ticklish. The Beans only haf to pet me and I start baffing myself. If they give me scritches I start biting myself, and if I git really excited, well then I bite them.
3.Flynn: I Yowl. LOUD. Mum sez there must haf been some Meezer somewhere in my distant past.Sometimes in the middle of the night, usually around 3am when it's nice and quiet,I go out in our safe cage and yowl at the moon. If the window's not open, I git on the cat tree and scrape the window and yowl furrom there. I fink mum likes it cuz she throws fings like slippers furr me to play wiv.
4. Eric:I love noses. I like to git up and give the Beans kisses on their noses, and then I bite their nose. It's best to do it when the Beans haf already gone to bed and are making roaring noises.I don't yooshully bother to kiss them furrst, I go right in with the bitey. That wakes them up.
5. Flynn: Mum sez I purr like a train and when I'm really happy I do tail poofs like Chase. That's when just the furrst few inches of your tail by the base poof up. Eric can't do it.
6. Eric: I've said befurr that I love water, well we bofe do. If it is pouring wiv rain I like to sit in the garden and get my furrs all wet. Then I come in and jump up on the compooter desk to see mum, and I shake my furrs all over her and the monitor. It makes all pretty sparkles on the monitor.
7. Flynn: I like to know what the Beans haf been eating. I git on mum's lap and sniff her mouf. If it smells good I try to push my nose in her mouf furr a better sniff. This always makes her laff but she won't let me git my nose in furr a proper look around.
We tag: Adan, Patches, Catzee, The Furry Kids, Jack, KC and Sunny
Labels: 7weird fings, meme
Monday, January 07, 2008
Mancat Monday - Just hanging around.

Labels: hanging around, Mancat monday
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Easy Like Sunday Morning.
Here's a bit of advice:
When your Bean snores too loud you put your paw on their chin and push. This makes their mouth close and stops the roaring that comes out of it. When you have stopped them snoring, then you can get some sleep. But it's all lies when mum sez I snore like a little piggy. It must be dad again.

Labels: easy on Sunday, Eric, snoring
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I'm not Happy

Labels: Eric, Why can't I blog?
Friday, January 04, 2008
Fatty Flynn
Mum weighed us today. She said she thought Eric had put on weight and that maybe I wuz getting a little podgy tum. The cheek of it coming furrom her. Eric was still 21lbs. She said she wished he would lose some, but at least he hadn't put on any more weight. Then it wuz my turn. Uh-oh. Four munfs ago I wuz 14lbs. Today I wuz 16lbs. mum sed "Oh no Flynn, yoo haf put on 2 lbs. Are yoo trying to catch up wiv your bruvver?

Labels: Fatty Flynn