Hi to all you kitties out there. We are two ginger and white kitties and we were born on a farm in Devon England on April 8th. 2000.A while back when our mum was on the computer she discovered Fat Eric and told us about him. He suggested we started a blog too. As you can see, we did start our own blog. What follows is the story of our lives. We hope you enjoy reading about us.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/30/2008 12:01:00 am 24 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tired Out
We have been working so hard the last few days writing out our Chris Mouse cards that now I am worn out. Yup, I need a sleep, I didn't even see the flashy box coming. Flynn will have to do the rest on his own.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/29/2008 12:26:00 am 18 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Friday Flashback
We have been running short of photos and Vampy Victor came up with a good idea. He said why not recycle some old posts. There are so many new blogging kitties now, so they won't have seen our older posts. We are going to pick our favourite post from every Month since we started blogging and call it The Friday Flashback. Unfortunately you won't be able to biggify the photos to see more of our Gingerness because we are going to copy them straight from our blog because it's easier than trying to find them all again. Our first flashback is from the month we started blogging which was July 2006. We didn't have many to pick from that month, but this is the one we chose. IT'S RAINING! Posted by Big Eric Hooray!!!! It started raining this morning, and it's much cooler.We've got so fed up with being hot and exhausted all the time. The beans are happy too. They said the vegetables and flowers will be glad of it.We wanted to go out and roll in the wet grass, but mumbean said we would all get too wet. Anyway we kept on and on and in the end she gave in. She said no normal kitty would want to play in the rain, but what does she know!! We went out and raced around like a pair of nutcases. (Her description not ours) and when we came in, she said we looked more like beavers than kitties. I must remember to ask Flynn if he knows what beavers are.She took a picher of us to try and embarass us. About two weeks ago our beans made hay out of grass in the fields, so the horses haf got sumfing to eat in the winter. Now it is all in the barn so it won't get wet. Me and Flynn haf been to check that they did it right. Here are sum pichers of us looking at it. Oh oh I'll have to do those pichers quick. Mumbeans getting the stinky goodness. Got to hurry or Flynn'll eat it all. He might be smaller than me, but he's got a big appy tite. Purrs to all my new poodin' friends.
UPDATE Can you believe we were actually excited because it rained? We have just had two of the wettest summers on record. We hope 2009 is like 2006 was.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/22/2008 03:02:00 pm 8 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fierce Fighter Day.
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang are sponsoring Fierce Fighter Day today. Mum said we could show photos of some of the cats who came before who brought happiness into her and dad's lives. This lovely boy lived with mum before she was married. He only had one eye but mum doesn't know how he lost it. It is thought that he may have been kicked by a cow. Of course there was only one name for him - Patch.
This is the first poodin, Spot, who lived with mum and dad right after they got married. He really belonged to dad's parents, but he decided he wanted to be an only cat so he moved in with our Beans. He was an old boy then and they only had him for a year before he went to the Bridge with kidney failure.
This is Marmi, he was the first kitty the Beans had from a kitten, and they had him soon after Spot went to the Bridge.
Some of you may recognise this little ladycat. This is our beloved Kitty Yumbum. If you haven't seen her before, you can read about her here.
This is Tiddler. He loved ladders. When dad's dad died, he started coming indoors to visit our dad. He was a man's cat and didn't want to stay with dad's mum, so he moved in with our Beans.
This is Smokin'Joe. After Marmi went to the Bridge, the Beans were too upset to have another poodin. One day mum said to dad,'It's just not right without a poodin.' One of dad's mum's cats had just had kittens so they decided to have one of them, so Smokin' Joe who was also known as Jelly Bean became their next kitty.
When dad's mum died, our Beans took on all her kitties. The following are photos of some of them. Above L to R Mother Puss, Auntie Cat, Tozies and Desmond. Auntie Puss. She was prone to getting ulcers on her eyes and was always at the V E T getting treatment for them. One day one burst and the V E T did a graft on her eyeball using her third eyelid. It saved her eye and she could still see well enough to hunt.
Mother Puss. As her name suggests, she had many kittens. She was Kitty Yumbum's mother. As soon as she had finished nursing her kittens, mum took her in for her Ladygardenectomy.
This is Mr. Pig. He was dad's mum's favourite kitty. She called him Mr. Pig cuz he never stopped eating.
This is Desmond, he was Kitty Yumbum's favourite nap partner. He was a big boy and then he got sick. He was being treated by the V E T and then he suddenly started passing congealed blood in his poop. He died within a week of being ill. The Beans were very sad. We hope you have enjoyed meeting some of the kitties who came before. The photos aren't good quality because they have been copied from old ones.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/21/2008 09:59:00 pm 25 comments
Can you believe it! We've run out of photos so we made mum look through the ones she took in the summer to see what we haven't used. The trouble is we don't go out so much now so we aren't doing anything except lie in front of the fire. These were taken in July. I like to sit on these old blocks because they get nice and warm, so the grasshoppers come along and sunbathe on them. I have to be quiet and keep looking left and right so I don't miss them.
And if none come along, then I just lie here and enjoy the very occasional sunny days that we had.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/19/2008 12:01:00 am 35 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tummy Tuesday
Aaaarghh take the flashy box away, I'm trying to sleep.
I have been asked if that is really my beautiful tail. I'm sorry to disappoint, but no that is not attached to me. If I had such a wonderful tail I would carry it around proudly. It is actually the edge of our vishus deerskin bed which I have pushed back a bit with my feet. I wonder if I can get it transplanted.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/18/2008 12:01:00 am 26 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mancat Monday
When our Beans were on their Holly Days, all our toys were put in purrizen with us. When they came back, mum put all our toys in the toy box to bring them back indoors. She just threw them all in together. That's right, she just mixed them all up with not a thought to us. I had to tip all the toys out to see what had happened. Can you guess what I was looking for?
Ahh here it is, my most faveritist nippy carrot. A mancat needs his nip. Eric can't find his scruffy rat. He's very upset cuz he's had it since he wuz a babycat. Mum sez it has to be in the garage somewhere and he must haf hidden it. He told her he did hide it but he can't remember where, so she said she will help him look.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/16/2008 01:07:00 am 26 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Award and meme.
While the Beans were off on their Holly Days, we were given this Butterfly award by Chica and Pumuckl, Jimmy Joe and The Cat Street Boyz. Thanks to all of you for this lovely award. Here's the rules: Put the logo on your blog Add a link to the furrend who awarded it to you Nominate 10 other blogs Add links to those blogs And , very importantly, leave a message for your nominees BLOGS! We are late putting this award up so we don't know who has and hasn't had it, so we want to nominate it to all our furrends who regularly come and visit us.
Also we have been tagged for the 8 Random Things meme by Sniffie and the Florida Furkids. Here are the Tag Rules: 1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves. 2. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog. We have decided to do 4 things each. Eric: 1 I always look as if I am asleep when the Beans go to bed, but as soon as I see mum move, I rush into the bedroom and stretch out on her pillow. 2 When the Beans have a bath, particularly my dad, I like to get in with him and make biscuits on his tummy. I think he likes it cuz he sez ooh and ouch a lot. I let my tail and paws float in the water. 3 I like biting noses. It's best when they are asleep cuz it wakes them up so you can talk to them. The first night they were home from their Holly Days I couldn't get mum to wake up so I bit her nose - hard - there was blood! She said bad words. 4 In the winter when the woodburner is lit, I like to get my head as close as I can. Mum sez one day my brain will be boiled. Flynn: 1 I love to sit on my mum's shoulder when she has breakfast. She says it makes it difficult to eat and that I am too heavy to sit there, but she still lets me because I am her sweetiepie. 2 I am a good hunter and as well as the usual birds and mice, I have brought mum purrezents of moles, snakes and weasels. 3 I like to wake up in the middle of the night and scrape on the window and yowl at the top of my voice. It's best when the Beans are fast asleep cuz it frightens the bejeebers out of them. 4 If I go outdoors and mum stays inside, I have to keep going back in every 10 - 15 minutes to check she is all right. We tag Whicky Wuudler, Fat Eric, Angus Mhor, Faz, Chase, Poppy Q, Trixie, Nina the Torbie
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/14/2008 11:51:00 pm 14 comments
My Nippy Carrot - Video
My nippy carrot is my most favourite toy in the world and I like playing with it in my Ham-Mick the best of all. I put the noospaper there. You can't see the rest, but I put them all over the floor.
I was playing Peek a Boo with it unner the Ham-Mick.
I had been playing with it furr ages, then mum decided she would video me when I wuz nearly fed up with playing. I like bunny kicking it and when I finish playing, I like to sleep on it so I can smell the nip.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/14/2008 12:24:00 am 28 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
There was a branch from one of mum's shrubs hanging out, and it was saying to me,'Play with me,' so I did. Flynn just watched. Sometimes it is good to just play on your own.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 11/13/2008 01:16:00 am 30 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
More Holiday Photos
We told mum that she can post some more of their holiday photos but that has to be the lot. It is our blog after all, not hers. The first one is of Cavendish Beach Prince Edward Island. She said you can buy T shirts which have been dyed from the red soil of the rocks in the foreground. They didn't bring us back T shirts though.
This is the house where L M Montgomery used to live in Cavendish. She wrote the book, Anne of Green Gables and got her inspiration from the locality. The house is a museum now and you can walk around the grounds.
This is in the Citadel in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Every day at noon, the cannon gets fired and so it is called The Noon Gun.
The next place they stopped at was St. John in New Brunswick. These are the sea caves at St.Martins.
These are two covered bridges at St. Martins.
Also in New Brunswick, they stopped at the St.John river to see the reversing rapids. The tide was halfway out so it wasn't making rapids then but the river was still flowing in reverse although you can't really tell from the photo. Next stop was Portland Maine and they took the trolley bus to Cape Elizabeth. Mum had to take photos of the sea because she's got a thing about water and sunsets. Don't know why when she can take photos of us instead.
This is the lighthouse at Cape Elizabeth.
When they got to Boston they decided to walk the Freedom Trail and saw Paul Revere's house. Instead of sticking with the trail they went off different ways. Mum says they like to follow their noses to find things. They also saw Fanueil Hall and mum was wondering if someone could tell her if Fenway Park is taken from that name as it is so similar.
Right, this is the last photo and it is of Astor's Beechwood Mansion on Newport Rhode Island. If we let her, mum would probably have tried to put all 240 of her photos on OUR blog, but we said 'No way!' We hope you have liked them.
We are ginger and white brothers and enjoy sharing our adventures together walking in the fields. Sadly Eric left for the Rainbow Bridge on 19.03.2013. I joined my brother on 1st May 2017 so now we are together again for all time.