Hi to all you kitties out there. We are two ginger and white kitties and we were born on a farm in Devon England on April 8th. 2000.A while back when our mum was on the computer she discovered Fat Eric and told us about him. He suggested we started a blog too. As you can see, we did start our own blog. What follows is the story of our lives. We hope you enjoy reading about us.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Safe journey Chica and Pumuckl.
We wish a very safe journey to our furrends Chica and Pumuckl, and to Ana too. We hope you can soon settle into your new life and that everything turns out as you would like it to. We wish you luck and every happiness. Please scroll down for our latest posts.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/30/2008 12:35:00 am 30 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Two Tummies furr tuesday.
We couldn't decide who wuz going to do Tummy Tuesday this week, so we said we would both do it.
Flynn always sleeps on the bed during the day, but I usually sleep in the baffroom or on the sofa. Ever since I wuz pawly though, I like to sleep on the bed with Flynn.He seems to like me being with him all the time now. Mum thinks he wuz really worried about me. When I'm not sleeping on the bed with Eric, I like to stretch out in the grass. If you biggify, you can see my pink patch where I have licked all the furrs off my tummy.I have always done that, but it used to be just a small patch. When Eric got pawly, I licked and licked more than ever until I made a big patch and made it all sore. Mum has been putting ointment on it and now my furrs are starting to grow back.She thinks that maybe I wuz stressed by Eric being ill, so that means it wuz Eric's fault, not mine.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/29/2008 12:34:00 am 22 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Mancat Monday
After the busy day we had yesterday looking after our dad and making sure he had a great purrfday, today we are just going to relax. No hunting, just napping and eating. We haf to nap now cuz there are boomie storms due tonight.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/27/2008 12:01:00 am 33 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Where am I?
Can you see me? I'm hiding furrom Flynn and the Beans. Mum thinks I'm nuts going in the greenhouse when it is hot, but it is quite cool on the damp earth and beneath the leaves.I haf to cover my eyes though cuz the sun is bright.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/26/2008 01:15:00 am 18 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Vishus Deer invasion
OMC!! We saw this in the noospaper today. London has been invaded by vishus deer. We hope Fat Eric and Faz and any other London kitties are safe. At first glance, it could be a herd of animals at a watering hole on the plains of Africa. But this pack of red deer were actually enjoying a refreshing dip in London's Richmond Park on Wednesday. As temperatures hit 27C (80.6F) in the capital, the herd took to the water. The animals - which are strong swimmers - made a spectacular sight as they spent the afternoon cooling off in a shallow stream. You can read more about it here.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/23/2008 02:46:00 pm 20 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Mancat Monday
Today we are showing you how we spend our Mancat Mondays. If you biggify the first pikchur you can see the worm I wuz playing with in the video. When I have finished playing with the worm, I like to go in the fields hunting furr mousies. You have to be sure to check the hedges as well. They often hide in there. Eric likes to spend his time relaxing under the little table............ and relaxing......................... And when he found the cases were out when our Beans were going on their Holly Days, he relaxed on them too. And while I was hunting mousies in the field, he relaxed in the barn. After all Eric's relaxing and my hunting, now I need to relax too. PEE-ESS Don't worry, the sootcase wuz furr the Beans last holly days.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/21/2008 12:34:00 am 40 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Second Blogoversary and Easy on Sunday
Today is our second blogoversary and we cannot believe how fast the last two years have gone by. On our first post we didn't publish any photos because mum wasn't sure what she was doing. This is the very first photo we ever published and it was on our second post. Our very first comment was from Oscar the Wondercat from Australia. Fat Eric was our first commenter on our second post, and it was through him persuading our mum, that we now have a blog. On our first blogoversary our Beans decided they had to go on holiday so we couldn't post on the day. Karl and Anastasia very kindly offered to put our post on their blog for us. We tried to link to it, but the link won't work. If you want to see it you can find it in their archives on 20.7.07. We told the Beans that this year they had to be home for our blogoversary or there would be trouble. Luckily for them, they came home with a week to spare. We are so glad for all the friends we have made, and for all the kind comments when Eric was so ill recently. Thanks everyone for being our friends.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Easy on Sunday Mum always leaves the quilt pulled back in the morning to let the bed air, but then we go to bed for naps, and then she can't make the bed until we are ready to let her. I (Flynn) like to get under the covers, but I can't when the bed is airing, so sometimes I climb up under the bottom sheet. Mum doesn't have any photos of me like that, but when I do it, you can't see me at all, just a bump in the bed.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/20/2008 12:01:00 am 31 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fridge Meme.
While the Beans were on their Holly Days, we were tagged furr the fridge meme by Grace, Audace and Ruse, and also HRH Yao-lin. When the Beans came home we told mum we had to do it and it took her forever to take photos of our fridge. We haven't got a very interesting fridge, it is only a small one which fits under the worktop. This is a photo of the door. In the top row there are three funny cats. You can biggify to read them. The next row is furrom Samantha and Mr.Tigger and of course, Skeezix.
In the top row of the next photo is "Take an old bag shopping" which is furrom Sainsbury's supermarket to tell people to re-use their carriers.Then there is a Princess Cruises magnet. After that there is a set of five Felix Magnets. Next to the top Felix magnet is a Guinness one. It's below Skeezix to remind him of his Mother's Milk. Next is a white kitty which mum bought in Barbados at a local craft shop.
We have to name one thing which is inside. There is only the usual boring old Bean's stuff in there. Mum has a lot of chocolate soya milk which she drinks all the time. She's a sucker furr anything choklit flavoured, and of course dad has got Guinness in there too. The rest is salad veggybulls and dairy and things like that. Nuffin furr us.
As we are late doing it, we don't know who hasn't been tagged, so if you haven't. consider yourself tagged now.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/19/2008 12:55:00 am 15 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Worm
Mum took this video clip before she had put the bedding plants in her garden border. She was digging the soil and I was helping her. Suddenly I found I had dug up a wiggly worm.................. UPDATE For everyone who asked, no I didn't eat it and yes I did take it indoors but mum made me take it out again. It fell into three bits so I think it got deaded cuz it stopped moving after a while.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/18/2008 12:55:00 am 25 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Trying to sleep.
What do you want? I was sleeping.What do you mean, you woke me up just to take my pikchur? Okay, I'm looking at the flashy box, but I'm not happy about it. Hmphhh not another pikchur too. Well have you finished? Can I go back to sleep now?
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/16/2008 12:34:00 am 27 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tummy Tuesday
We had our outdoor run while the Beans were away but it's not the same as having your freedom back. There should haf been a video of me rolling around showing my tummy, but blogger won't finish processing it. If it ever finishes, we'll publish it later.It's good to get back outdoors and have a good stretch on the warm concrete. We had rain all the time the Beans were away but the sun is shining again now. Fev-vers furr Grr This pikchur is speshully furr my girlfurrend cat Grr. Mum sez he's a racing pigeon cuz he's got rings on his legs. She said he's probably tired out and will stop for a couple of days to get his strength back. He may not last that long if he keeps walking up to us. We think he likes dad cuz he keeps flying after him and following him everywhere. Dad must be a fev-ver magnet cuz Frankie Fezzunt used to follow him everywhere. We don't know what happened to Frankie cuz when the Beans came back furrom their Holly Days in May, he had disappeared.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/15/2008 09:36:00 am 21 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Mancat monday
Yayyyy!!! The Beans are back! That means we got let out of purrizen just in time for Mancat Monday. We missed you all, and now we got lots of catch up to do.
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 7/14/2008 01:47:00 pm 29 comments
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Tummy Tuesday
What are you doing Flynn? I'm trying to hide. Can you see me? If I were you I'd hide too. I saw the outside run put against the garage door and the cases are out and mum's got clothes everywhere. You know what that means don't you. You don't mean they are deserting us again do you Flynn? 'Fraid so Eric. I haf to post my tummy furr Tummy Tuesday before we get locked up again. How about you? Oh okay, here's my tummy, but I'm really hacked off now.
We'll be back on the 13th. If anycat wants to come and keep us company we'll be happy to see you.
We are ginger and white brothers and enjoy sharing our adventures together walking in the fields. Sadly Eric left for the Rainbow Bridge on 19.03.2013. I joined my brother on 1st May 2017 so now we are together again for all time.