Saturday, April 26, 2008
Purrizziners Again
I'm just lying here feeling sad that we won't see our Beans furr a while. I will miss them when they are gone.
We are making the most of today and getting the last of the sun in the greenhouse. Dad has put our outdoor run up furr us, so we will be able to get in the fresh air furrom our purrizzen cell.
All our faverit toys and nip will go out in the purrizzen wiv us. If anycat wants to teleport over and visit us, they can share them wiv us. There will be lots of treats too. Furr anycat who can't come and visit, we will see you in two weeks time.
Labels: Beans are croozin again, purrizziners, they deserted us
Friday, April 25, 2008
Six Word Memoir
Here are the rules:
1) Write your own six word memoir.
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
6) Have fun!!
Eric: Big, friendly, cuddly, biscuit making, mancat.
Flynn: sweet, funny, snuggly, purry, mouser hunter.
We tag: Miss Elizabeth Taylor furrom the Whiskers and Purrs Gang.
Fat Eric, Catzee
and Speedy
Labels: Dorf, Forty Paws, meme
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Labels: Blackbirds, Eric, listening
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sofa Hog
Labels: how much room does Flynn need.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Water Babies
The washing machine has always fascinated me, Eric. I could sit and watch it for hours.
But most of all, I love playing with the hosepipe.
Who says cats and water don't mix?
Labels: water babies
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mancat Monday
It is furry comfy.
Now I am having a nippy dream. You can see our nippy crown which wuz part of our purrize furrom Queen Snickers, and our grey nippy heart which wuz furrom Monty. They make me have sweet dreams.
Beside the heart on the floor, you can see Eric's Scruffy Rat. That is his most favouritest toy ever, and he has had it since he wuz a baby kitty.
If you look at my paws in the furrst pikchur, you might notice they are not their usual dazzling white. This is because we haf been playing in the lovely soft earth. It is great fun but it has stained my leg furrs beige. mum sez I need to get eggstra busy washing my legs.
Labels: Flynn, Ham Mick, Mancat monday
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Easy on Sunday
And when you can't stop yawning, there's nuffin furr it but to go and take a nap.
And with these cold winds, it's best to wrap up warm.
Hope you all have a nice relaxing Sunday like me.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Five Sense"A"Shuns MeMe
We couldn't decide who would do it, so we decided to do it together.
With my beautiful eyes I can see much more of what is going on furrom the top of the ladder than if I wuz on the ground.
With our soft noses we can smell when there has been an introoder around.
With my velvet paws I can touch the bug that is crawling around in the other tub.
With my sharp ears I can hear the mousies rustling around in the grass.
With our sandpaper tongues we can taste our favourite Temtayshuns.
We would like to tag: The Whiskers and Purrs gang,
Parker and Miss Peach.
Labels: meme, Yao-lin, Zoolatry
Friday, April 18, 2008
Valentine's Purrize.
My card furr my dad won and Monty Q sent all this choklit furr my Beans. There are three diffrunt types of Hershey kisses. Mum said she had heard of them and always wondered what they wuz like. There'a pakkit of choklit wiv mint centres that can be used furr baking, and a box of GooGoos. They have peanut butter in them so mum sez we can taste the peanut butter, but we're not allowed to have the choklit. There's a card wiv a big man on it too. Mum sez he's a Sumo wrestler.
And Monty put in sumfing furr us too. There's a heart and a mousie, and I am giving the mousie a good sniff. He smells furry inchresting.
Fanks Monty, that's a great purrize furr me to give my Beans.
This wuz the card I made furr my dad.
Labels: Eric and dad, Valentine's
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Playing in the garden and a mystery.
Dad rotovated mum's vegetable garden furr her and her border furr putting flowers in. She raked the border all nice and smooth, and it looked just right furr playing in. It's really easy to dig pits in it too. In the middle of the clip you can hear mum do a big sigh. That's cuz we ran slap bang into her legs and nearly knocked her over. Hehe.
There is a mystery too. The sound is all crackly and it sounds like a radio or sumfing in the background. Well, there wuz no-one else home, and mum didn't have the radio on. What do you fink it could be?
Labels: is it an alien?, mystery, playing in the earth
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tummy Tuesday
We know a lot of you get confoosed as to which is which of us, so we haf put our names by our pikchurs.
This is me, Eric. You can rekkernize me cuz apart furrom being bigger than Flynn I have all white shoulders and a ginger nose.
And you can rekkernize me, Flynn cuz my nose is white, and I haf a ginger patch on each shoulder.
Labels: lying in the sun, tummy tuesday
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mancat Monday
Mushue, Lilly Lu and Iris have all been found safe in the apartment and are with Mom Laura now. Hooray!!!!!!!!!
Eric's Mancat Monday
Dad has been clearing a lot of old junk out of his barn that has been there for years. I was snoopervising and then I saw this metal fing looking at me. I went over and told it that I wuz in charge around here and I didn't want any trouble furrom it. I fink it knew I wuz a mancat and not to be trifled with.
Labels: Eric, Mancat monday
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Easy on Sunday
And if your mum wants to use the compooter, tell her that's tough cuz you were there furrst. Anyway she should be used to working around us by now.
Labels: easy on Sunday, Flynn, sunspot
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Prayers for MuShue, Lilly Lu and Iris.
Playing One, Two, Three.
One of my favourite games I play wiv my mum is one, two, three. She counts furr me to get ready, then she throws little bits of wood in the air furr me. The video clip is a bit bouncing around cuz she had to keep bending down to pick up the wood. Dad plays it indoors wiv me too wiv rolled up silver paper. When I wuz younger, I would keep bringing the paper back furr him to keep throwing it. Now I still jump furr it and chase it, but I don't bring it back so much. He has to keep throwing new bits. It's a very fun game.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Weight Loss
We wuz weighed this morning and mum is furry furry happy. I, Flynn, am back down to my usual weight of 14lbs. I did go up to 16lbs through the winter.Well I, Eric, haf done even better. I am now........Dah Dah! 19lbs!!!! That is the lightest I haf been furr the longest time.Mum finks it could be less mousies through the winter, and now we stay out in the garden at night until the Beans go to bed. That means instead of sleeping on the sofa, we're out walking around. We're glad we got that purrizzen fence now.We won't be any compytishun furr this cat. He weighs 35lbs.
If anycat saw our post earlier wiv the huge writing, mum re-wrote it and deleted the original. We don't know what happened, must haf been a Blogger blip cuz she didn't do anyfing diffrunt to usual. Sorry Momo and Adan, your comments got deleted as well.
Orazio the 35lbs cat.
Labels: fat cat
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Meme and awards.
We fink that's great that they fink our blog is pawesome. Fank you to all of you.
We would like to pass it on to three others who we fink have Pawesome blogs too. They are:
Forty Paws, Miss Peach and Monty Q.
Also we haf been given the Totally Hip award by Mickey. He sez:
This award was invented by Charlie, who said that the award must be passed on "to three hip bloggers to perpetuate the spirit of hip-ness, for which, if you need any help, you can refer to Zaphod Beeblebrox*, who said, "I'm so hip, I can't see over my own pelvis!"
Fanks Mickey. We are really happy that you fink our blog is hip.
We pass it on to: Momo, Sunny, and Yao-lin
We haf been tagged by Beau and Angie furr the book meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to Mickey once you have posted it.
Well, the book mum is reading at the moment duzn't haf a page 123 in it cuz it's in between chapters, and it only has the name of the chapter on it. We thought that would be a bit boring. Mum said she would go to page 125, but we said that it has to be 123. Another book that she reads different bits and pieces out of all the time is:
The Living Isles, A Natural History of Britain and Ireland by Peter Crawford.
"In reality, the Breckland reveals a long and fascinating natural history - one in which our early ancestors played a major role which changed the course of nature. For many years naturalists thought that this exposed part of East Anglia had always been treeless - ever since the sands so characteristic of this region were formed during the last Ice Age. Historical records dating back seven centuries show it to have been open grassland - sheep walks and rabbit warrens - and what mature trees exist today are known to have been planted recently as shelter belts."
Huh who's she trying to fool? She's more likely to be reading Stephen King.
We would like to tag,
Chase, Penelope, Derby, Luxor, and Zoolatry
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Frankie gave us a purrezunt
Labels: fev-vers, purrezunt furrom Frankie the Fezzunt
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Our Puurfday, an Award and Snow
We got this great card furrom Zoolatry. We fink the balloons on our tails might keep the bajjers away and keep us safe.
Fanks Ann, Maggy and Zoey.
Also we got this award furrom Sassy.
She said she wanted to give us this award "Because when you visit their blog they are always doing many fun things, whether they are in their house or outside sleeping in the tractor you never know what they might be up to unless you keep in touch with them."
Fanks Sassy we are honoured to accept this award furrom you.
We would like to pass this award on to the Whiskers and Purrs gang cuz they are always up to sumfing and they make us laff, and efurrycat and Bean should laff at least once a day.
At the weekend you would haf seen that it wuz so lovely and sunny that the Beans got the garden swing out furrom the shed. It wuz great to be able to sunbathe outdoors again. Next morning we rushed out to lie in the sun again.
What's that cold white stuff falling on our furrs?
We wuz not impurressed.
We had a quick walk around the garden and thought that the fire sounded a much better bet, so went back indoors. The snow didn't last long and the sun came out again, but every time we went back out, the snow started to fall out of the sky again, so we gave up and stayed indoors.
Labels: awards, our purrfday, Sassy, snow, Zoolatry