Friday, January 23, 2009
The Friday Flashback - Dedicated to Mu Shue Pooh
Mu shue, the hero, this one is for you.
We got owr pakij furrom Mushue Pooh furr being theer 1000th. vizzyter. Fank yoo effur so much furr all the good fings yoo sent us.
He told us this is Rosie Rat an we haf got one eech. I like Rosie Rat. She is good furr chooing.

Hmm theer are some inchresting smells heer.

Look Greenies!!!!

We haf got owr Rosie Rats owt, an a nip sack eech, but theer is sumfing in heer I need to get at.

Eric are yoo reeding dat letter? No I've fownd some nip on it, and I'm eeting it.

Well I'm not eeting it, I'm going to rub my face in it.

I reely like dis Rosie Rat. Hey Eric, I hope yer girlcat frend Rosie duzn't mind dis chewy mousie haffing the same name as her.

If yoo look at dis letter furrom Mushue Pooh, yoo will see it's a bit scruffy. Well when the pakij arrived, mum had a kwik peep inside and read the letter. She sed that we wud haf to wait furr her to finish doing the horsies, an then we cud see what we got. She put the pakij on the kitchen werktop, an the letter beside it. When she came back, the letter wuz on the floor, an had a big hole in the middle, and wuz all wet wiv drool. It smelled so good, I cudn't leev it up theer. I had to roll and drool all ofurr it. Theer wuz a packit uv nip in theer too, an sumhow the corner got chewed.I don't know how dat happened. An evil introoder kitty must haf come indoors an did it.

And look, we got Greenies too!!!! We bofe love Greenies, but we can't get them in the UK . And we got nip, lovely nip.

Mum got the sucky monster owt, so she sed we cud take efurryfing in on the bed.

If yoo look behind the letter, yoo can just see the corner uv the pakij wheer I chewed it.

I didn't know yoo cud eet the nip. Flynn allus rolls in it, but I thought I wud see what it taystid like. Mum wuz laffin at me cuz I wuz making funny noyziz. Now I'm all nipped up, an efurryfing looks blurry.
Labels: Mushue Pooh, Nip, package, The Friday Flashback
we enjoyed seein yoo boff enjoy dat pajik frum mu shue. we miss mu shue too he wuz a troo bloo hero. its hard sumtimes when we fink bout all of dose dat are no longer wif us.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
It is always good to remember those who are with us only in spirit now :))
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