The weather has been very wet lately, so we hafn't been furr many walks wiv mum. We yooshully stay in the garden while she goes out to do the horsies and gets soaking wet.

Dad has been home more furr Chris Mouse, so he took us furr a walk and it started to rain again. He asked us if we wanted to go in the barn so we didn't get too wet. Well we don't mind getting wet, but it seemed like he did, so we said ok he could go in the barn if he wanted.

We wuz sniffing around and we could smell rats and mousies. Then we saw a ladder leaning against the straw, so we didn't even haf to jump up, we just walked up the ladder, right up to the top of the barn.

It wuz reely high up and we could touch the roof wiv our heads.

Then mum came back furrom putting the horses out in their fields, and it had stopped raining, so we all went furr a walk together.
We didn't find any mousies though. They must haf heard us coming.
It wuz good just relaxing in the barn then having a nice quiet stroll.
Labels: easy on Sunday, exploor, hay barn
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 12/30/2007 12:45:00 am