Tuesday, March 03, 2009
We've moved!
We are still updating our linkslist over there, so if we haven't added you please let us know.
Labels: we've moved but not far.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Mancat Monday
Eric: Won't be a minute, I'm just checking this wheelbarrow out.
Flynn: Stop messing around Eric, we've got mousies to hunt.
Eric: Okay, I'm on my way.
Do you think there are any here Flynn?
Oh drat! There she is with the flashy box again.
Flynn: Just ignore it Eric, I think there is a mousie here.
Flynn: Yikes! What was that?
Flynn: Oh! It was Mr. Fezzunt. He made me jump and now the mousie has gone.
Flynn: I was not scared! If I was scared I would have floofed up all over, not just my tail. Well maybe my tail was a little bit scared. I'm going home!
Labels: don't call me a scaredy cat, Mancat monday, tail floof
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Easy on Sunday
Labels: easy on Sunday
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Life is Grand Award

We have been awarded the Life Is Grand Award by Camie's Kitties.
Thank you very much. The rules are that we now need to tell you 5 reasons why we think life is grand and then pass it on to 5 more blogs.
1. We get to go out in the fields and hunt mousies.
2. We can sit in the window when it rains and watch all the fev-vers eating the bird seed.
3. Our Beans Zoom Groom us about 100 times a day if we get up on our cat tree. (Mum sez it seems like 100 times)
4. We are allowed out in the garden for as long as we like. Mum calls us in at 1 am when she goes to bed.
5. Flynn: Mum lets me sleep under the quilt with her.
Eric: Dad lets me sleep on his head. Well he doesn't complain too much.
We would like to tag:
Scooby, Shaggy and Scout,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Labels: award
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Flashback

Labels: Flynn, The Friday Flashback
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fifth Photo and an Award
Open your file folders (pictures),
click on the fifth folder,
and then the fifth photo,
Post the photo to your blog and describe it.
Then tag 5 other bloggers.
This photo is of our Beans in front of The Vatican. They went there on a Mediterranean cruise in 2006. It was not long after mum had broken her leg and she was on crutches. She didn't want them in the photo, so she was leaning against dad and he was trying to hide them behind his back. You can see part of one behind his leg.

We tag : Sunny, Derby, Mickey, Princess and Pierro, and Jeter Harris.
Also thanks to Patches and Nemo for giving us the Proximidade award.

"This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
We have had this award before and passed it on to others. If you don't already have this award and you visit us regularly, please take it for yourself.
Several of you asked about the flowers yesterday. Yes they are crocuses. Even though we have had the coldest winter for twenty years, (we think that is right, we can't remember for sure) the Spring bulbs have been coming up early. The crocuses have been up for over a week and the snowdrops came up in the middle of January. Dad even saw primroses before Christmas.
Labels: award, Fifth photo
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tummy Tuesday
Labels: Eric, tummy tuesday
Monday, February 23, 2009
Mancat Monday
......and chew on it.
Eric: Oh no! She's got the flashy box again. I've got to move fast before she takes my photo.
Flynn: Huh! Where did Eric go?
Oh there he goes walking along the edge of the field.
You can see the track we have made where we always walk in the same place.
Flynn: Hello! Who's been here digging out the hedge? It's probably Mr. Badger or Mr. Fox.
I'll just have a quick look over the hedge and see if I can see who did it.
Flynn: Nope, couldn't see any one. Come on Eric, let's go back and rest on the field roller.
This is a nice sunny spot, what do you think Eric?
Eric: Yup, I could sit here all day and soak up the sunbeams if it wasn't so cold.
Flynn: Well you can stay there if you want to. I'm heading for home to see what's to eat.
Labels: Mancat monday, walking in the fields
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Easy on Sunday
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Flynn Catches a Mouse.
Labels: Flynn's mousie, video
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday Flashback - A Walk on the Wild Side.
It wuz a nice sunny day, well no it wuz a furry hot day reely, so I deesidid to go furr a walk in the woods where it would be cooler.I looked furr Flynn to see if he wanted to come too, but he wuzn't around.

I heard a noise in the tree, but it wuz just too hot to climb up it. I just went a little way to haf a look.

Hello Mr. Squirrel, I can see yoo on the branch. Yoo better fink yerself lucky it's hot and I can't be bovvered to chase yoo. I fink I need to go to the stream furr a drink.

Oh hello Flynn, I wondered where yoo wuz. Yoo must haf been sleeping down here to try and keep cool. When I haf finished drinking I'll tell yoo about my walk and the squirrel I met.
Labels: The Friday Flashback
Thursday, February 19, 2009

We got the 'You Make My Day Award from the Cat Street Boyz. Thanks very much to you. We would like to pass it on to:
Rascal, Parker, Abby, Momo and MontyQ.
We also got this award from PDX Pride. Thanks to all of you as well for thinking of us.

We have already passed this award on to others so we would like to pass it on to anyone who reads our blog regularly and doesn't already have this award. You can see who we have already given it to here.
Labels: more awards