Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Wordless Wednesday

*Mum was playing with PPP and gave me a paint effect but you haf to biggify to see it.


That was so nice of you to drop by my blog the other day to say hi! I am so slow at blogging and getting back to all you other cats. You guys are both so cute!
Whatcha see out there, Flynn?? Bet you're ready to get back out there!
Somethings is going on outside?
The sunshines will come back soon, Flynn... really...
You have such a pretty profile! Do ya see some birdies

What are you watching?
It looks wet outside. Was it raining or snowing?

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
That's a cool effect, Flynn...kinda makes your picture look like a real painting!
We bigified itand we think it's really cool!
Furry cool, Flynn!
That makes you look all sweet and gentle ;O)

Purrs, Sukie x
That is beautiful. Some day, when we all get well, Momma wants to buy something to play with pictures on the computer.
Very pretty...ummm handsome, Flynn!
~ Noah
it looks furry beautiful!
That is a beautiful effect, Flynn. I bet you're thinking about how grate it will be when it's warm in the greenhouse again.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Looks like you want to be outside. We likes the picture your mom did!
Very nice effect do love that outside world don't you=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
You can see the effect a bit in the small version, it's nice and subtle. But it is quite dramatic when biggified!
When I biggified it, it was real cool!
Oh my, yes you're right. You look the same small, but when you biggify you look all painty!
It's wonderful!!! She did a good job, but she had a great subject!
That looks like a real oil painting, and you look magnificent, Flynn :-D
Flynn yoo look like yoo is contemplating many fings.
What a lovely picture! That's a very pretty effect.
ERIC, my handsum gingersnap! I've been watching yoo evaryday but have not been commenting. I wish yoo wure also in this piktur. But when I needed to look at my caramel appul pop I just scrolled down to find my handsumness curled up sleeping like a cheeze danish.
Oh boys didn't it used to say at the top of your blogs that you were 'very handsome' ? Where's it gone? You is still very handsome to me !
Purrs from Mr Woo xx
Oh boys didn't it used to say at the top of your blogs that you were 'very handsome' ? Where's it gone? You is still very handsome to me !
Purrs from Mr Woo xx
Flynn, you are so handsome!
ps - Thanks for the positive thoughts for my Mommy
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