Sunday, January 25, 2009


Easy on Sunday

I know if I lie on the compooter desk that mum will haf to give me tummy rubs. This is the way I will take it easy today. If you turn the sound up you will hear me purr. Mum sez she duzn't think I ever stop purring.

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well that was just adorable!

smiles, auntie bee
Flynn, you are just too cute!

Thank you for dropping by and leaving good wishes for my mom. Her shoulder is still hurting, but we are trying to visit a little bit at a time.
Oh my person is just itching to rub your tummy too! And hear those kitty purrs...
Flynn you are just the cutest, and I can tell by that video how much you love your mum.

Great purrs dude.
Oah, I let the sound to the max volume, Oah your purr purr sound is just too adorable, Flynn~~
Flynn, our Mom thinks you are a gorjuss cuddle cat and she said she tickle your tummy anytime. We heard your purrs too.

I purr - but Mom said that Alfie is a real purr machine. he purrs all da time. Mom said it's because he is VBG (very blooming grateful) 'cos he was a rescue kitten and then he came to us and we are his forever home. So Mom says he is SUPER happy and very grateful! And so he purrs a lot!
oh u iz justt furry adorable... u shouds entur our furry funny fotoh contezt rites away!!

Bootsie Woo,
cum see our hundredth cellybrashun!!
Your purr is like sweet music!!!!
Mum says she wants to come right through the internets and snorgle that cute tummy.

If you go for a walk today, stay out of the mud!
Well, that just made our mom's Sunday morning! She wants to snorgle your tummy, Flynn!
Flynn!! What a purr machine you are !!! heeheehee Purring attracts Moms and then they want to give belly rubs and scritches :) Enjoy it dude!!
Purrs Mickey
Your sweet little tummy is irresistable.
Brilliant tactic, Flynn ol' buddy. Our computer table is too little for me to get up on, so I have to flop down in front of Momma so she can't move without giving me an armpit massage.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That is a great purr video!
Purring is a sign of happiness! We love tummy massages too:)
i turned up da sownd, flynn, hopin to heer yer voice. i wunder if u havva a british aksent.
Ohhhh, you's all vampy, LOL. That's the best way to get belly rubs! :)
Ooohhh you're so cute upside down!!!
That looks like a very relaxing, easy Sunday especially since it includes tummy rubbing!
Oh my word! That was so sweet! When you sniffed the finger your purr went double time!

Purrs, Sukie x
Flynn, you are so cute rolling all around up there. And you are much nicer than me, because I would have given a bitey from that position for sure!
You are so sweet up there, Flynn. I like to stand right in front of Momma's monitor, but the keyboard is there, too.
That is a nice place you have for the keyboard. Lots of room on top of the desk for you!! So cute!!
~ Napoleon
Oh Flynn, it doesn't get any better than that, does it???
Fine purrs there, just don't fall off the table!

We were watching and mom kept say "turn around sweetie" and we thawt she was talking to us so we all looked at her...we hadda re-watch da video to catch yoor handsome mancatness.
Oh, you do look and sound so very happy! I have accidently rolled off of my mom's desk before... I liked listening to you purr!

Purrrrrrrrs, Willow
Flynn, you are such a sweet boy!!
Hi handsome! Great purr! I purr that loud too, but only for the (formerly) Blonde Girl and only when I feel like it.
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