Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Checking the Christmas tree

The Beans were out all day yesterday so I made the most of checking the tree without hearing,'Flynn, don't you dare climb that tree. We don't want it on the floor again'. I didn't hear the door being unlocked. Eric could have told me they were watching me, but did he? Nope. I didn't get told off though cuz they could see I wuz only checking everyfing wuz in the right place still. They don't let us have the lights on if they aren't home because the furrst year I chewed right through the wire. Mum said it wuz lucky for me that it's got a safety fingy or I could haf been a curly cat.

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Oh, Flynn, you look so cute playing with your tree. Such a good boy too not knocking it over.
You are such a good boy and didn't pull the tree down as I did first year I came to live with SS.
You really like the tree! We're pretty bored with ours now ;)
man are they ever lucky to have you to check the tree! good job!!!

smiles, auntie bee
I like to chew on the wires too, so mum only keeps the lights on when she is around.
that looks like so much fun. maybe next year we will haf a tree
Oh, wow!
That looks like it was a lotta fun.... I mean mancatly. Yeah, that's it; a mancat gotta protect his family and home. Who knows what might be in that tree?
Caught "red pawed" in action. You wee very cute checking out your tree.
You are doing a very thorough job checking that tree. Eric need to concentrate more on being your look-out though. You are so lucky you were being so good when your mum and dad sneaked in.
You are doing a very thorough job checking that tree. Eric need to concentrate more on being your look-out though. You are so lucky you were being so good when your mum and dad sneaked in.
You really like the tree, Flynn. Were you putting your scent on it?
Good morning to you both Eric and Flynn and greetings from err… Plymouth

Despite having a Dog in my blog so to speak , I mean no harm – I’m a toothless old mutt who prefers basking in his basket

So - why am I contacting you like this ?

In a somewhat random act of artistic interaction – I have come across your blog next to mine at this point in cyberspace and time. Have a look at my blog – I have placed a link on it for your site – for a month or so - under the heading "My Dog Ate Blogs" – take a look.

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Hope you find my site interesting as well.

Best wishes from Plymouth UK !

(Steve Clement-Large : My Dog Ate Art )
That looks like fun Flynn! I have been so good this year, I may have sniffed at the tree once or twice and that's it! We keep our tree up until Epiphany so I still have a week or so to go.

Purrs Goldie
It's good to see you taking your mancat duties so seriously Flynn. That's a good rumbly purr you have going on there too. No squirrel is going to hide in that tree and go undiscovered!

Whicky Wuudler
Putting our smells on the tree is a very big task, Flynn! No sooner do we have the bottom part all done and the tree gets put away until next year. Then we have to start all over again!
Flynn, you are a great tree-checker! I am glad you did not become curly when you chewed the wires before!
Flynn, you're a very good tree checker. We check the tree all the time too! We like the bristly branches!
Of course you were just checking it out unlike us who keep knocking things off of it!
The funniest part was when you looked behind you to see if you were going to get in trouble!

ps: Maybe that's how my furs got curly!
Flynn, you are a furry good tree checker outerer!! We really hope that we get a BIG tree next year when we're all together at Daddy's house.

How FUN is that??? Terrific!


Grace & Company
Great job, Flynn!!!
Good job putting your stink on the tree, Flynn. I ignore ours. And I ignored the tree at Devon Grandma's too. We drove back from Devon to London today. wish I could have come to see you while I was there! It is freezing here, colder than Devon was.
Haaa!Good checking! Um..you think maybe I bit though a wire??? That's why I've got curly hair???? And why I'm a Wire Hair Foxy boy??

Wagging worrying...Eric xxxx
Flynn, you were brilliant taking care of that tree! I'm glad that you didn't bitey any wires there!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow

P.S. Thank you so very much for that card you sent to both me and China Cat! You are some handsome boys!
Oh Boy was that fun to watch,... ohh how much I live vicariously through you guys!!!
You always have SO much fun! :))

You might look cute wif curly fur, but not by 'lectrocuting yoorself. Yoo should see dat movie "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" der is a cat dat ends up as ash cuz it chewed on da lights! Scary, we always put our paws over our eyes during dat part.
Flynn, that is a great video of you checking out your tree. I bet that tree smells wonderful -- just like you!
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