Sunday, September 21, 2008


Easy on Sunday

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What a great spot, you getz to see like a look out and also lay down and relax.. nice Sunday! :)
it'z not yet sunday heer e + f ... but i will take it easy in abowt 39minitz!
yer lookin grate ... and ... did u find mister fox?
We love to come on here and look at BEAUTY! Hello beautiful. :)
simply gorgeous.

-wlk crew.
Now that's what I call easy!!!
i hadta come back on sunday mornin ...
wut'z dat yer takin it easy on?
jus wunderin.
Easy is good! Please stop by and visit our blog later - we're hosting the Carnival of the Cats!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Well, you certainly found an original spot to rest on....what the heck is it???
flynn you look so handsome agist that green grass remnises of of mus hue

siff sinff

Lilly Lu and iris and Maxwell
Purrfect place to take it easy,
I'm among Sunflowers, but they are not real. Oh well, I get what I can.
~ Noah
Does that equipment get warm in the sunshine? I'll bet it feels good.
That is a great picture of you, Flynn, on a sunny day!
Whoa! Is that some kind of ginormous trailor hitch? The rust plays off your furs quite nicely!
Nice spot for a sit.

Luf, Us
Nice lounging spot! I bet the metal heats up nicely in the sun!

Purrs Goldie
That's a great pickshure of you, Flynn! You look furry relacksed.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Awwww.....what a cool spot to take it easy on Sunday Morning Flynn! Hi Eric! ::waving paws::
Your FL furiends,
now there's a nice sunny spot!
You sure have some cool places for snoozing on a Sunday. FAZ
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