Friday, August 22, 2008


How to keep your feet clean.

We went for a walk around the fields today cuz it had stopped raining for a while. When we got back, Eric went indoors and jumped right up on the computer. I think his toesies are even dirtier today than yesterday. He's very lazy cuz he waits furr mum to clean them with a cloth furr him.

He should do what I do. When I drink furrom the horsies trough, I let my foot dangle in the water. If there is any mud on it, then it will just float off which saves me furrom getting mud on my tongue. Then when you haf finished, it's funny to flick water all over your mum.

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I like your method for cleaning your feets Flynn! Specially the the flicking of the mum with water.
That was nice of your Mom to thank you for spraying her!
No wonder you have such clean feetsies! Your so smart Flynn.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
I love Eric's muddy paws... don't change a thing, bro! (Although your cleaning method is quite ingenious and naughty, Flynn!)
I Dare You!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!
Very GOOOOOOD~~ Flynn!
I just LOVE the last flick motion,
I say "Oah Yeah!" in front of my screen!
You do like clean~! It's very good!
Eric has his Mum so well trained. Well done Eric. Mum's enjoy water flicking Flynn, so well done to you too.
I guess Eric needs some training ;) heehee
That was am excellent flick of the paw Flunn. IT's good that your Mom is clean too :)
Purrs Mickey
Love those tootsies!!! Good technique!

purrs Goldie and Shade
Great feetsie washing!!!
I'm wif Eric. I wouldn't stick my pawses in the wet! Ick! But yoo's furry brave (or crazee maybee or bof) Flynn. Excellent lesson bout pawses cleanin for cats dat don't mind stickin their feet in waters.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
You are furry smart Flynn! We use da water dish to clean off!
I like seeing Eric's dirty feets! They look funny. Now I want to walk in some mud and dirt.
Those are some dirty toesies! You are so lucky you get to go outside and play in the dirt!

Laila and Minchie
It is so important to have clean feet!
Dangling the paw in the water looks so cool & refreshing!!!!
Ok, face it, Eric is a slob.
Did you walk on a car? Hehe, the barn cats do that all of the time and it makes the Woman mad 'cause then she has to wash her metal machine. You drink from the horsie troughs? Those are DEEP!! You're brave.

Eric, your feets are pretty cute. hee hee

Flynn, you are very, very brave to drink from that giant water bowl. Yikes! It looks askeery!

Hey Fynn and Eric - Eric you need to wear some welly booties to stop getting your feet muddy, he,he!!!
Nice orange on's one's to match your fur...and di you know you two kitties are my favourite colour?

Wags, Eric Square Dog.x

Please tell your kittie friends not to be scared if they see me at your blog I love all kitties...
Way to keep you feet clean!
Flynn, that is some good feet cleaning! I just wash mine in the water mom or sister or brother don't like it much.
But at least I have clean feets!!

Flynn, you are very smart! Eric should do what you do, cause he's got really dirty feet :-0
Oooh, kitty toesies!
Mum wants to kiss them all. Does Eric dry his using the bedspread (preferred method)?
Flicking water is so much fun, especially if the targets are sleeping or not paying attention...
ooh, I put my feet in the water bowl when I drink too - just like you!

Eric, you sure have your mom trained well!
Ooooo, Eric. Your feet sure are dirty. What is dirt? I haven't been outside.
Dood. Slinging water at yur Mum is good.

Luf, Us
Yoor feets don't even look dirty, maybe yoo is better at NOT walking in da mud. But it's a good way to wash yoor feets, just in case.
I keeps my feeties cleened cuz I likes usin dems to drinks wif...

Tanks fur da good idea wif da horsies trough!

- Katie Too.

Tanks u for likin my cutsie Q!!

- Bootsie Woo
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