Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Two Tummies furr tuesday.

We couldn't decide who wuz going to do Tummy Tuesday this week, so we said we would both do it.
Flynn always sleeps on the bed during the day, but I usually sleep in the baffroom or on the sofa. Ever since I wuz pawly though, I like to sleep on the bed with Flynn.He seems to like me being with him all the time now. Mum thinks he wuz really worried about me. When I'm not sleeping on the bed with Eric, I like to stretch out in the grass. If you biggify, you can see my pink patch where I have licked all the furrs off my tummy.I have always done that, but it used to be just a small patch. When Eric got pawly, I licked and licked more than ever until I made a big patch and made it all sore. Mum has been putting ointment on it and now my furrs are starting to grow back.She thinks that maybe I wuz stressed by Eric being ill, so that means it wuz Eric's fault, not mine.

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oh what cute little tummies!!!

smiles, auntie bee
oh Flynn, it's so touching that you was so concerned about Eric. And you bof haf cute tummies
Of course you were stressed, Flynn. Eric is your best buddy & when he feels bad you feel bad too. We love both those stretch pictures!!!!!
Oah My~!!
So so so cute tummies~!!!
Terrific tummy! I hope Eric is feeling better?
Your tummies are adorable. You two are wonderful brothers!
I can tell that you love each other very much. Your tummies are very snuggly

Purrs, Sukie x
What sweet boys you both are! Your tummies are very floofy and quite cute!
Aww, it is very stressful when somekitty you care about is not well.

ps yoos have cute tummys.
You both have such cute tummies!

You are a wonderful mancat to worry about your brother so much.
So nice how you both enjoy a nap together in bed :-) Hope yours furs are back completely soon.
Oh Flynn, I see the pink patch! Even though it is a pretty pink color, I think it is best that you let the furs grow back in.
Watch out! The Woman's hand is coming through the computer to rub those kitty bellies!
Awwwwwww *tummy kissies*

Momma wants to rub da tums...

Stress can do that to a cat. I'm glad your furs are starting to grow back in :-)
Lovely bellies!

The PM wants to smell them, I know she is weird! Thank heaven's she here way across the pond!

Purrs Goldie
Those are a couple of great kitty tummies! I hope your tummy hairs grow back now that your are de-stressed.
My mom says the cat who came before also licked her belly furs off when she was stressed out. We are glad to hear you are both improving!

Abby Normal
Your tummies are so cute!
Cocoa's got a white patch where you have a pink patch, 'cept his is white fur. He's not really an all black cat. We'd show our tummies too, 'cept we're kinda not relaxing around here much since the (formerly) Blonde Girl got back and Grr got happy again. When Grr's happy she chases efurrybody, so we're all being careful to avoid her.
Bless yur bald little tumbly! Reno licks his tumbly bald during the hot summers heer. We are sorry u were so stressed.

Luf, Us
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