Thursday, June 19, 2008
Good News and Bad News
Now the bad noos. We lost our innernets connection yesterday. Mum's been on the phone to AOL and got mad with them after getting nowhere after an hour. She said she wanted a MAC code so she could go with another ISP, then they told her they could send her a free wireless router to replace her modem, and they are going to reduce her monthly fee furrom $36 to $26, so she said she would give it a try. The router won't arrive furr 5-7 days, so we will probably be offline furr a week. She has taken me to her furrends so I could use her compooter to let all my furrends know what's happening.
Thank you efurrybuddy furr all your purrs and good wishes, they certainly seem to be working.
Me and Flynn will be back as soon as we can.
Labels: A O Hell, Eric, I've had a huge poop
Keep getting well! We are purring for you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Bah-hum-buz on da internet. I will shipz oevfu tentybizillion hairballzez which you can throw at da Internet.
Now keep eating and getting better!
I will see you back on-line when your AOL Hell gets fixed.
--Yer Pal and Ginger bro, Beezer
but if it's only aohell, it'll be fixed. eventually. that's not bad, it's just inconvenient an' aggravatin'!
many loves & hugs til you get back online!!
nels, ed, nitro, & xing
We'll see you in a week when you are back online again. It's a pain when things go wrong and you lose your internet.
Keep eating and getting better.
purrs and tail wags
We've bin reeding abowt yur poop ishues, and weer reely glad that yoo can get sum owt. It dusn't sownd like thay're at the ex-lax level yet. Poop on!
LOKi and Bean
This is intolerable! Seriously, I've been checking in every night.
Keep pooping, Eric, and please report again as soon as possible. Mericky is rooting for you.
Toby and Cupcake's Dad.
Hope ur innernet gets fixed soon, ISP can be a real pain in the *beep*..
Happy weekend!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We hass ben werried bout yoo. We is glad its only da stinky ol A-o-L! BIG POOTS dat is gud Eric waytogo buddy! Woo woo woo we is doin da happy poo dance furr yoo...keep gittin better efurryday.
I hope your Mum's new router arrives soon.
Our Lady HATES AOL. When she called to cancel them (way back when), they didn't want to let her. They kept telling her they were going to do this, that & the other thing instead. Finally she yelled at them and said you are NOT going to do any of those things, you are going to cancel my service NOW! Evil. That's what they are.
Congratulations Eric, these are really great news!
I'm just soooo happy to heer yoo are poopin again. It is a grate funkshun to have and I'm so happy yoo had a woofie sized one! Whoo hoo, my cinnamun raizun muffin!
Was it really huge? I am so glad you are felling better Eric. We will miss you while you are gone off the web but you need some rest now anyway and get your strength back...
Maybe you can send that poo to AOL!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
about internet connections, yeah...sometimes it's terrible when we've problems with the ISP, we sometimes have that problem too in sometimes we couldnt blog for a wile & visit you all
-meaouwy troops-
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