Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Frankie gave us a purrezunt

Frankie knows we haf always admired his lovely long tail fevvers so he gave us one furr our purrfday. Fanks Frankie, I had fun playing on the earth wiv it. Yep even I got lively and pounced on it like a kitten. It's a great fevver Frankie. Flynn told me you said we could have it as a speshull purrezunt.
I wuz just wondering....... is it really bad if you want sumfing bad enuff, to just go and take it furr yourself, even if you do share it wiv your bruvver? I fink Frankie probly did want us to have it.
Hehe sumbuddy's going to have a cold butt tonight if it's frosty again.

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Wow! That's a fabulous present! We guess Frankie knew it was your birthday, right? Have fun playing with the feather! Feathers are so much fun! :)
How generous of Frankie! I hope he has enough left to keep his butt warm!
Oh my goodness! How big is Frankie? Dat's a reely big fevver.
that was awfully nice of Frankie to make his butt cold just for your purrfday!
Dat wuz grate of Frankee to leave yu too a purrsent furr yur purrday. I coodn't fink of a bettr one dan dat. I fink it is furry nice dat yu boff shared it togather...

What a great fevver! It's huge!!!
How thoughtful of Frankie to give you such a great present!
Hmmm. I'd say if he left it for you then it's okay. If you plucked it off of his bum that might be different.

(I say it's good either way!)
Well its abouts time dat Frankie didz sumpin' besidez teazin you. & now, I may has to revize my opinyon of dat bird after all. He rememburred your birfday!
That was very cool of Frankie to share that with you!
You STOLED the feather from Frankie!?!? Way to go! I am sure he wanted you to have it for your birthdays, anyway.
Phesant fev-vers are the greatest! We love to play with them.
Frankie must be a nice birdie to leave yoo his fevver fur yoor purrthday.
Uh Oh - was that feather stolen from Frankie? Oh well, I am sure he really wanted you guys to have it for your birthday!
why would he let you get so close to his butt if he didn't want you to take your pick of the fev-vers? we sure hope you get even more of Frankie next time you see him...
Now that is a nice birthday present!!! But we can not help but wonder if Frank actually INTENDED to give it to you....???
That was nice of Frankie! Hope his bum isn't too cold tonight!
that is a wonderful present and no, it is clearly NOT wrong to take what you want from your sibling. I am apparently supposed to share most of my belongings with the baby runt in my house. It doesn't happen and it never will.

So carry on having fun on the ground with your fantastic toy! x
Wowzers!!! That is a BIG fev-ver!!!
You are brace to get it from a big bird ;)
Purrs Mickey

PeeEss: I have an award for you, You can get it on my Momday Apr.7 blog :)
Oh wowie, that is a beeyootiful big long fevvur! I bet you two will have a lotta fun playin with that!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I am sure Frankie wouldn't miss one, he would have quite a few to keep his butt warm.
I am sure that Frankie does not mind that your plucked your new present!
That was certainly terrific of Frankie the Fezzunt to give you a feather for your purrthday! It looks like a lot of fun - that is one big feather!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Happy Belated B'Day!!!!

A giant feather from Frankie? Looks like fun! I didn't know those birds were that generous? I'll go help him keep his bum warm if he wants.

You are a very good hunter, Flynn :-D It's very nice of you to share Frankie's feather with Eric.
That looks like a very nice feather!
We had to research your blog to remember what Frankie the Fezzunt looks like.
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