Sassy and
Momo went on their avenchur to train to go in the
Space Shuttle , Sassy had a compytishun to guess what they were doing. I wuz the furrst to guess most of it right, but I didn't say about the repairs they were going to do in Space.She awarded me a sirtiffykit furr an honourable mention and sent me a purrize.
Daisy wuz the overall winner cuz she got it 100% right. Well, look the postman has brought me a pakkij. Sassy sed I had to let Eric share it. Hmmphhh!!
Hmmm this looks furry inchresting, I need to check all this out.
Look treats. I never had this type befurr. Hehe, I can't see Eric.
Oh yummy. I like these treats. Uh-oh, mum's telling me not to furrget I haf to share them.
Errrriiiiiiic!!! Come and see what I've got.
Where did this come furrom Flynn? Can I have a look?
Mum put it up on our cat tree furr us. I fink I can smell nip.I got a pretty nip bag wiv a hansum ginger kitty on it, and a mouse wiv a moon and a star on him, and a round mouse, yummy treats and a ball that makes a rattly noise when you chase it. Sassy sent me a card as well, and it's got a pikchur of fev-vers on the front.
I better have a good look at this while Flynn's not here. That nip is furry strong. It duzn't yooshully haf any effect on me, Flynn's the nip head, but I haf to say it smells good.
See Sassy, I am being good and sharing like you told me to.
Later I wuz playing Spider Solitaire on the compooter, and I took my nip bag wiv me. I wuz more inchrested in that than the cards, and I drooled all over mum's compooter desk. Nip always makes me lick my nose too. I don't know why though, it just does.
Thanks Sassy furr the great purrize. Eric sez thanks too cuz I'm letting him share everything eggsept the nip. That's mine all mine!!
Labels: Flynn, my purrize furrom Sassy
# posted by Memories of Eric and Flynn @ 2/21/2008 12:20:00 am