Sunday, December 16, 2007


Easy like Sunday Morning

I still like reading the newspapers with my dad on a Sunday morning. In fact this looks purrtikkerly interesting.

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I always like seeing you cuddle with your daddy and see the newspaper.
I think that is very sweet and also high skill with your daddy need to turn to another page~!!!

But I think you will help your day to turn the pages, ~!!!

Happy Sunday~!
Hey yoo like readin' da paper jus like me an my Dad! Do yoo tell him wot yoo finks about da infurmation?
:::looks at paper:::

So...who's brainless???
Reading the newspaper with your dad looks like a great way to bond. :)
I am glad you get some good man-time with your dad. That looks like a very strange story you are reading!
Our beans are quite jealous because we do not do things like this. Actually Maggy prefers the editorial page over morning coffee
and naturally, Zoey just has the funny pages spread all over the floor even tho she can't read yet being not quite 2-yrs old! We may stop with the newspapers all together after the scary story about glow in the dark kitties!
Darn it, Max! You said what I was gonna say!

My beans don't get a paper, just sale ads. :P
Hi Guys!!!! I haven't been around much :( It's good to see you are doing good :) Funny stuff in the newspaper .Brainless?? Must be beans.
I really like your picture gook!! What a cool idea!
We have a storm coming, I must say, I like summer better ;)
Oh well, it's nice and warm inside!
Purrs Mickey
Our dad don't read da paper but Speedy enjoys sitting on his lap when he works on electronic stuff...and he knows not to touch anything. Brainless? Must be talking about politicians.
Hahahahaha! BRAINLESS??? I know dis iz possy-bull, I justee never saw dis kind of artycul beforez. PS: I yam typin dis witiout a secretariat cuz da beanz iz not hoime! Come by & we can eats leftoevfur duck piez.
hey guys! Thanks so much for the xmas card, it was stunning!

Also, merry christmas to you and you are right, that newspaper looks very very interesting! x
What a great way to spend a Sunday! It's snowing and snowing and snowing and snowing......
We like to be with Mom when she reads the paper--and she like to read it in bed.

You certainly are a lapful, Eric!

I do love to keep informed myself. However only the male reads the newspaper and I find him undesirable...
Newspapers are the best! Does your dad put them on the floor after he reads them so you can make tents?

Those are great pictures of you reading the paper with your Dad :-)
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