Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tummy Tuesday
Labels: Flynn, tummy tuesday
This week is a raining week, can you believe there is still a typhoon next to my country?
It's winter now.....
Your tummy is perfect~!
Wimmen, says Kosmo & Mouse. We all still gets the sun froo the window and we all has nice sunny spots. It's still warm here! We are not old enough like mom and dad beans to remember when November was *cold* in NJ.
your bud Pepi
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Reno seems to be doing ok. No more squatting in any spot. Thanks for asking.
Luf, Us
I am so wit you my brudder!!! Bring back da sun! I haz dat Seazonall Infectedness Dis-order...dat iz why I gets so SAD in da winter. I tink mebbe dis iz what you haz too.
-Dr Tweety
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