Monday, October 08, 2007


Mancat Monday

A Mancat finds the best lookout purrzishuns furr keeping a lookout furr evil introoders. Anuvver job that a Mancat has to do is check where the plant has gone that was in the tub, and make sure there are no evil introders lurking in the bottom.


Wow! Fantastic tower of alertness and fantastic landscape. In a tower like this I would monitor my domains comfortably... muhahahaha!

Thanks for your visit. I hope see you soon in my blog. You are welcome!

Oh your outside looks like so much fun!
You guys are looking very manly!
That is a poster picture perfect picture of you! And what a great countryside!
What a great shot of you~! It's certainly capture your beautiful mancat pose~!!!!! That is very very great scene~!! I am so happy for you are there.
Good Man-cat work!!

We can see your place is well-guarded! No vishus deers are going to get any young juicy kitties there, or evil intruders steal your stuff.


PS. Thanks for leaving a nice message about Whisper.

PPS. I play with Persephone all the time. She makes it sound like nocat plays with her. Sisters, sheesh!
You two really know how to patrol! Great work!
Those are some important mancat jobs, especially surveying your domain. It is very, very beautiful where you live!
Great photos! You are doing an excellent job keeping an eye on your domain. It is beautiful where you live!
eggshulent job!!!

smiles, auntie bee
It is insanely beautiful there. I'd give my right paw to be able to roam around such an incredible place. But since I can't I'll live vicariously through you two my very handsome Manly friends.

That's a grate look-out spot! Keep up da good job keeping out doze introoders. Mom took our ladder away awhile ago and has not brawt it back...thanks fur reminding me. Moooom where's my ladder....
That is a beautiful picture of Flynn on top of a ladder outside! Really nice photo!
Yer beans must be happy knowing that two great Mancats are on the job. Well done lads!!
What a great view from up there!
Nice job looking after efurrything. Is that the Tamar in the distance? You are making my mum feel homesick!
whoa! what a great view! have ya spotted any yet?
Way to keep watch over all that beautiful land! Keep up the good work.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Great Mancat photos :)
Great Mancat work you're doing! Uh, you shur yur not usin dat pot fur a..., well,... a pot?

Luf, Us
What a great vantage point from which to view your domain. You are doing a very fine job looking out for evil introoders. Your domain is very pretty too with the rolling hills and trees.

Midnite & Stray Kitty
Oh yes, it looks like you do an excellent and thorough job on your Mancat Patrols! I am impressed, my friend!

Rumbly purrs from Brainball.
Wow, you outdoors is much more open than ours! You look so Mancatly up there on that perch looking for intruders. Did you find anything interesting in the pot?
Your FL furiends,
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