Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tummy Tuesday
You and Eric look like my New Yuck cousins Fluffy and Buffy. I've never met them but Mom says they would not even pretend promise not to bite or claw if someone touched either of their tummies.
I liked hearing about your nose twins. You look like you need a good tickle!!!
Hope you boys are good - I am back from my blogging break. I know you boys has been visiting - I keep seeing your picture pop up.
Your friend.
u look like mi brudder mickey in dat poze ... jus wid a little more color!
ps--can u believe dat mi mom an dad jus brot a pikshur uv da bird! duhr.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Eric, my Pumpkeen pie with whipcreem topping, I'll throw on the jetpak so yoo dont haf to swim ovur the bloo watur! I'll leave this morning! Can't wayt to see yoo! Rosie
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Your FL furiends,
and Mom
Luf, Us
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