Saturday, June 23, 2007


Strange Smells

The Beans haf been to the farm where we were born cuz that is where their frends live. When they come back there are always lots of exciting smells on the car.

I fink sumcat has peed on the wheel. Wonder if it wuz our kitty mum or dad. It's furry inchresting ennyway.


yeah i know what eu means, my hubby sarge sometimes pees outside!! i fink he shud not do this. i am going to put you two cuties on my blog today, come and see!

smiles, auntie bee
and anoffer thing, tell your beans we cruise out uff ft lauderdale too! maybe we can see dem sometimes...

smiles, auntie bee
Wow! I have never smelt tires before. I might have to try it. But my Mommie does not drive over anything very good to smell, I don't think.
ooh - interesting! we don't think anybody pees on the Lady's tires, but the fev-vers poop on the rest of her car. we've never smelled it though.
When MomBean took the littleBeans for a long trip she let KidBean pee on the tires, but only 'cause there wasn't anyplace else he could go.
Yup. Luks like sum puddin or woofie peed on da weel. Sumtymes we sniff owr bean's monster masheens' wheels too.

We dunt no if Reno has purrifural vishun. We no he dunt see well frum dat eye an he's furry skittish. But dat culd also be cuz he liffed in da stoopid cat lady's garage fur 2 months longer dan his brudders and sisfur.

Luf, Us
Yup, the way you two are so interested in those wheels I would have to agree that some woofie or other cat peed on the wheel. Dad is always yelling when one pees on his tires. I've never smelled the wheels though cause we aren't allowed where the cars are parked. We don't have a garage.

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