Sunday, May 06, 2007


Relaxing on a Sunday Night

When the Beans went away the uvver day, they brought us home this new blankie

Sorry Eric, but I fink it has to be all mine,mine,mine!

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that's a GREAT blanket! the Lady says c'mon over and she'd be glad to pet your tummy for hours.

(I wasn't really upset about the birthday thing, I scratched her because she called me "the big one" on the blog, and plus the other kitties were starting to think maybe I was nice. It was ruining my grrrrry reputation.)
Awwww. Datz a grate blankie an it looks like yur puttin it to furry good use der.

Luf, Us
Hey, dats a nice blankie! I think ders enuf room der fur both of yoo tho.
Now THAT looks comfortable! Or, rather, YOU are the model for comfort and relaxation.

That must be one great blankie!!!
You sure know how to relax! If I ever need some tips I'll be sure to ask you.

What a great blanket. You look very comfortable!
That looks like a comfy blankie. That pose would get you lots of tummy rubs at our house.
mama wants to kiss your tummy. i have a feeling if she did she might have 20 small bloody marks on her face. i'll tell her to kiss my tummy instead!

Look at your legs hanging off the end! Hahahahaha! That's very cute.
what a wonnerful blankie Flynn!! you look great on it
hehehehe...did he eventually fall off?
Nice footprint blanket!
I like your blanket and you look comfy. Since I sleep like that too, can I come over and sleep on the other side of the chair?
I don't know which I prefer, your blankie or your yummy tummy!
You look so comfy, Flynn! I have just been catching up on your blog. I like the picture of you and the horse too.
Flynn, what's this about you yowling at the moon like a puppy dog? Cats aren't supposed to do this, unless of course you're calling out for your lady love? FAZ
That looks like a great blankey! And what a nice stretch you have there.
Tickle tickle !
I love their blanket!

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Oh, yes -- Audace (who looks remarkably like Eric and Flynn) really LOVES to sleep in this nice stretched out position. Sometimes, Ruse, too, but mostly Audace.

BEST way to sleep, for sure!
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