Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wild Flowers
These are Violets. Mum sed there yoosed to be a perfume called Devon Violets, but she duzn't fink it is made enny more.
We like these cuz they are nice and bright. They are Celandines and are similar to Buttercups.
Luf, Us
Luf, Us
Isn't it nice to see the spring flowers again? I don't mean to go on and on about how wonderful it is that spring is here but really... isn't it beautiful?
I got to sleep in the sun almost all day.
I laughed to hear you had given 1 pound to Flynn, Eric. Don't waste away, will you?
My Mum agrees with Fat Eric about the periwinkles. She also said Devon Violets is still made, but hard to find.
I wish I had a big field like that to wander in.
Yoo luk mitty gud in yer intense smelling piktur! Evary time I see yer piktur, I wanna grab my jetpak and fly ovur thare.
Yer star-ied gurl, Rosie
I enjoyed your picture so much I almost didn't notice the flowers... you're looking VERY fluffy!
Maw wunted to tri clotted creem wen she wuz ofer der, bud dey nefer got rownd to it. She is shure dat G.T. wud luf it.
Luf, Us
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