Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Wild Flowers

When we walk around the feelds wiv our mum, we see lots of wild flowers. We sed to her that it would be nice to take some pichurs of them.

These are Primroses, and they are on the bank near where the Bajjers live in the wood.

These are called MilkMaids, but we don't know why cuz we can't see enny milk.

These are Violets. Mum sed there yoosed to be a perfume called Devon Violets, but she duzn't fink it is made enny more.
These are Speedwell.

We like these cuz they are nice and bright. They are Celandines and are similar to Buttercups.

We don't know what these are called, and neither duz our mum, but they are a purrty dellycat bloo.
These are the Bluebells that grow in our wood. There aren't many heer yet. Sometimes theer are a squillion of them, and they look like a bloo carpit. Mebbe the Bajjers ate them.

This is a pink Primrose surrounded by Milkmaids and Celandines. Mum sez a bird probly dropped a seed theer cuz pink primroses are yooshully cultyvatid.

Well come on...... Yoo can't have a post wivout a poodin in it. I thought if I admired the Celandines, mum would haf to put my pichur in too. Flynn could haf had his pichur taken too, but he wuz too bizzy catching mice.

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Oh wat luverly flowers!!! An of course a luverly pictor of a poodin at da end! U guys git to see meny grate tings on yur walks in yur fields wid yur Mum. How lukky is u? Furry lukky!!!

Luf, Us
Tee hee. Maw hazn't seen a cow run in a long time, but she's got a mental pictor of poor ol' Eric's udder swingin when he runz. Tee hee. Poor Eric.

Luf, Us
beautiful flowers!!! mommy loves primroses
Those are some very pretty flowers, thanks for showing them! I like the pink ones bestest.
We have a few of those flowers growing in our back garden.

Isn't it nice to see the spring flowers again? I don't mean to go on and on about how wonderful it is that spring is here but really... isn't it beautiful?

I got to sleep in the sun almost all day.
Those are great flowers around your yard! I love it!
My Mommy really enjoyed this post, she loves flowers! You gave a great commentary! You look happy on your walk. Life across the pond looks so slowed down and wonderful.
Eric and Flynn you have such lovely surroundings! We only have tulips and daffodils out in our yard so far.
Pretty flowers! My mum said when she went down to Cornwall recently there were primroses everywhere and she really misses those in London, though we have daffs and bluebells and stuff here. We think those blue flowers you didn't name are periwinkles (vinca major). We have some that keep growing through the fence from next door.
I laughed to hear you had given 1 pound to Flynn, Eric. Don't waste away, will you?
How lovely and the best part was that you got to be in the last photo!
Oh what beautiful flowers and a VERY handsome ginger guide!
My Mum agrees with Fat Eric about the periwinkles. She also said Devon Violets is still made, but hard to find.
I wish I had a big field like that to wander in.
Wow, Eric! Yer flowurs are beeeeeeeutiful! Yer such a sensative romantik who luks fur the finer things in life that smell gud...that wuld be the flowurs.

Yoo luk mitty gud in yer intense smelling piktur! Evary time I see yer piktur, I wanna grab my jetpak and fly ovur thare.

Yer star-ied gurl, Rosie
I enjoyed your picture so much I almost didn't notice the flowers... you're looking VERY fluffy!
Paw sed dat sharp cheese reely izn't wat u no az mature cheese cuz itz still pretty moist (heer in Mericky) and it taint az strong, bud itz stronger dan mild.

Maw wunted to tri clotted creem wen she wuz ofer der, bud dey nefer got rownd to it. She is shure dat G.T. wud luf it.

Luf, Us
What pretty flowers you have, Eric! We have mostly dandelions here, though we had some daffs and hyacinths. Our tulips are being really slow about coming up, probably because it has been so cold lately.
Thanks for sharing those flower pictures. Our mom LOVES wildflowers, and she and Dad went on two wildflower walks this weekend to see Virginia bluebells, (Mertensia virginica). We also grow them in our yard.

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