Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Tree climbing Tuesday
I fink efurrycat knows I like uhvenchurs. Well one fing I reely like to do is climb trees.
I like to get up high in the branches where I can see efurryfing that is going on.
Sumtimes I try to worry mum by pretending I'm going to fall. She stands below me saying,"Oh keerfull Flynnie, watch what yer doing." Don't tell her, but I do akkrobattiks speshully to skeer her.
Here I am telling Eric to come up wiv me, but he isn't so good as me at tree climbing. Mum tells him he's awkward as a camel. He furrgets which branches he went up, and then he looks down at mum squawking that he's stuck, but he's not reely,except furr the time dad had to climb up the tree and git him down. I just sat on the grass watching and laffing.
Labels: trees, uhvenchurs
Finny & buddy
I never climbed a tree
I think are more robust and agile than I am! You certainly look it :-)
Well, it would be kinda hard without claws, but still! That's HIGH!
Luf, Us
Eric, yoo dont luk or act anything like a camel. Camels luk stupid and yoo luk supur handsum. Maybe yoo shuld have yer lady get hur eyes cheked?
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