Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Too Tired

I don't care if you do want to make the bed, I haven't finished sleeping yet.

And that's my final word on it.
Labels: Relax
purrrrrrrr - kin I come over and snuggle?
Everyone knows cat naps take priority over housework...
Youze boyz is bery ovserbent. Yes, we has fev-ver feederz an fev-ver baths in owr yard. Yup. We kin watch dem from owr cage an we kin watch dem from da bed owt da bedroom winder. We kin watch dem frum owr cat tree by da pat-e-yo winder too.
Las yeer durin da extreme drought in da summer, Maw put owt extra pot saucers fur all da fev-vers to come an git drinks and baths. We had gazillions efurry day!!! Maw had to clean & refill those saucers efurry day cuz der wuz no wadder fur da fev-vers anywheres!!
Bunnies and skwirrels come to da saucers on da ground too. Sometimes skwirrels sit on top of owr cage and chit chit. We chit chit back.
Luf, Us
only Science Diet allergic/sensitive skin crunchies, Whiskas Stinky Goodness trays of mush in the morning and Innova Lite (ultra healthy and $$$) at night, plus half our previous intake of Temptations.
The Lady noticed that our former crunchies, plus our former stinky goodness, plus the Temptations, were all made by the same manufacturer. She thinks maybe we're sensitive to something they put in their products, so now we've got variety.
Oh, and Maw kwit lettin us go owt at nite cuz she dint like da door goin flap/flap wen she'z sleepin (or tryin to). Bummer.
Luf, Us
I have posted a sleepy picture today too. It is furry windy here today, how about you?
how furry nice that you gets such lovely countryside to stroll in--we 'members the fezzunt viewing, and hopes we can do that again sometime!
purrs from the meowers
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