Saturday, March 03, 2007
Saturday Snuggles
Happy Satterday!
and extra purrrrrs & cuddles from me to Flynn!
We're sending hugs your way too! We got into the game late and most everyone's been hugged already, but that doesn't stop us from adding more. Hugs to two great British cats!
My sisfur, Patches, actually let me snuggle with her. Picher on today's blog.
Thanks fur wishing me a Happy Purrfday!!!
Luf, Jenny @ Forty Paws
Yoo are soooo grate to warn me abowt Cheeto's plan to eat me if he gets hungry like Fat Eric was the othur day. I don't like to be a tattletale but I told my lady. She had a VARY sturn tawk abowt not eatting yungur sisturs...evan if thare is no fud arownd.
One addishinal note- I've been hiding fud in the cornurs so if I need to bargain with him I have cole-atur-rul...shhhhh
Yer appreciative luvbuscuit, Rosie
Kitty nap piles are the greatest!
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