Monday, March 12, 2007


Man Cat Monday

I know I haf put this pichur up once befurr, but I fink it shows off my manliness as I survey my domain.


you are completely handsome and very manly
Furry manly.
Are you on the look out for mice for Flynn to catch?
I bet nothing happens that you don't know about.
Very manly -- lord of the manor!

Master of all he sees!
We were thinking that such a fine picture deserves repeating!!! Very Handsome!!!

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
You look very mancatly standing there looking out over your domain. It's a great picture and worth repeating.
Yes, you look very studley.

We girl cats think we should have a day!!

It is a fine manly photo!
I never saw that picture before, very very manly!
I'm very impressed with your manliness. Wow, you are such a Big Man Cat with a vast domain. I don't think I've seen the picture before but its certainly beautiful!

What a great display of manliness!!! You have such very white fur!

We're glad that noisy machine that had your dad didn't eat all of your pretty domain.

Congratulations! You got 100% on the PoP Kwiz!!

And Maw still thinks it's gross about the legs hanging out of your mouth.

Luf, Us

Pee Ess. Granddaddy longlegs over here are spiders. We don't have daddy longlegs.
It's always worth the repeat. Very good picture of you. You look like the king looking over his kingdom.

Furry manly photo. I hear it is nice weather down where you are too. And hopefully all week is going to be pretty nice.

My mum wishes she could see the lambs in the fields, that is something she really misses about not living in the country any more.
I nevur get tired of seeing yer manly lukowt pose!

We sugjest yoo repeat the picktur fur the following days too!...
Totally Handsum Tuesday
Wildly Attraktive Wednesday
Terrifically Wondurful Thursday
Fabulous Friday
Striking Saturday
Stunning Sunday
You have to be one of the biggest cats we have ever seen!
Very nice Man Cat photo. You're right, it shows off your muscles really good!
Very manly man-cat pose!
PS- My mom says thank you for your support during Kitten's death. She really appreciates it!
It sure does - you are one beautiful cat and I love this picture!
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