Friday, January 19, 2007
Carrot wars

Hehehehe, I nefurr get chance to play wiv this nip carrot.

Yeah well now I've got it back again.

Dis is my most faverit toy in the whole wide werld.
It took me a long time to drool all ofurr it and get the smell just rite.

Awww go on Flynn, let me play wiv it.

NO!!!! Mine!!! Go and find yer scruffy rat to play wiv.
Scruffy's theer beside the balls that's behind me, and yoo nefurr let me play wiv him.

purrrrrrrs to Flynn!
Missing yoo, Eric...Rosie
p.s. I've been getting clowsur to that showur thingy my lady uses so I can get used to watur...hopefullie soon I'll be able to swim ovur to see yoo!
That looks like a GOOD toy!
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