Wednesday, January 31, 2007


An announcement

When I haf finished my supper I haf sumfing to tell all yoo kitties.

Ok I'll tell yoo now. We haf seen all the diffrunt compytishuns, an we wanted to do sumfing. We wuz going to haf a purrize furr owr 1,000th. vizzyter, but we missed that, so we thought we wud do it furr owr 10,000 vizzyter instead, but that won't be furr ages. So me an Eric put owr heds togevver, and then we told mum to count all the comments we haf efurr had on owr posts. Well guess what, we haf neerly had 1000. So hoo efurr posts owr 1000th. comment will get a pakij furrom the UK. We fink it shud be within the next week. Good Luck.
Wow, you asked your Mom to count all that...and she actually DID IT? Good work, guys!
did she hafta use a kal-q-later? cuz that's a whole lotta countin'.
I wanted to thank you again for introducing us to the duck Sheba. The Lady's been trying different brands of food because we like a little variety, but I haven't done well with any of them. If I eat Sheba, I don't throw up and don't have hairballs. If I eat anything else, I do. ::sigh:: Without those little trays, I'm now limited to expensive dome chicken Sheba, expensive dome duck Sheba, and expensive dome tuna Sheba.
purrrr! Flynn, do you scoop food out with your paw too? I love to do that. Afterwards I splat my paw in the water repeatedly and drink off it too. I love to make a mess with my food.
Wow! Awesome dudes!!! Congrats with so many comments!!
Luf, Us
Guess I better leave a comment. I might win!
Wow, 1000 comments just since July! That's impressive. We'll have to get our mom to add up our comments.

We always like to visit our English country cat friends, but we don't always comment. We'd better do so if we hope to win a prize!

Hi Boys!

If I win, you won't have to mail it far!!
that sounds like a good contest!
That's a very cool contest! :) And wow - that's a lot of work for your mom to count up all those comments!
Anutter compeetishshum! Woo woo.

I bet it took yur Momma quite a while to count all dem comments up.

wow, that is a nice mommy. i can't even get mine to do a movie and she has hours of tape of me. i'll bet she did lotsa counting. did you borrow your toes??
I hopes I win! Have a great contest!
wow, that is a nice mommy. i can't even get mine to do a movie and she has hours of tape of me. i'll bet she did lotsa counting. did you borrow your toes??
I hopes I win! Have a great contest!
wow, that is a nice mommy. i can't even get mine to do a movie and she has hours of tape of me. i'll bet she did lotsa counting. did you borrow your toes??

I hopes I win! Have a great contest!
Can we cum live with your Mom? She obeys better than ours!
~~ Mini
is it us? did we win???
It is always best to eat before you do anything. Eating is always the most important. Momma just loves you orange boys....

Ok, owr Maw dunt almost yak ofer much bud she almost yakked about the bursted eyeball. Dat wuz surprisin. She musd nut be feelin too guud today.
But we ist glad dat Auntie cat wuz such a guud mouser efen wid only purrifural vishun in dat eye. Uh oh, der goes Maw agin.
Gotta go.
Luf, Us
Oh speeking of 1000 visturis we sent you gift off last week on thuday we hope you guys get it

Mu shue
That's great guys! Congrats. That dinner looks mighty tasty.

we got the Lady to put all your Temptations and Greenies in a box and take it with her to work, but the post office closed before she could get there. At least the package is another step closer to you.
i wanna leaf a comment too on account of what if it's me who wins an that wood be furry 'citing!
Well then, I might as well leave my own seperate comment too. Purrs!
Hi guys! Congrats on all your posts! Is it me? Your mum must have a lot of paws if she can count up to 1,000...
wow, yus is hafin a contest too! i cants beleefs yus gots yurs food lady to do alls thats countin. yus gots her trained good. kimiko
i finks this is a cool contest. what type of treats did yus haf to gif yurs food lady to gets her to count all those comments? yuki
I will leave another comment just to get you closer.
1000 comment!!! That's amazing!! Are we thare yet, are we thare yet!?!?!?
I'll leave another comment too! This is a very fun contest. :)
yus is gettin closer! we hopes we gets it.
Hi, I´m looking for you. How are you ? Oh, I can see you are busy with eating and many comments. Wish you a wonderful weekend :-)
I'm a big ginger boy just like Eric, I should win!
this is furry 'citing!
Hello again! Are we there yet?
purrs and cuddles to my handsome Flynn!
are we dere yet?
Fanks furcomin' ofur to bisit wif us last was 58kinds of fun! Hope that y'all liked the snow.
~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy
Hey there, you two... let your Mom do the counting, like she does everything else for you. (As it should be!)
wow, yus is gettin really close. almost less than two paws worf.

yuki & kimiko
Oh, how clowse are yoo?!?!?! I hope yer still super clowse...but I can't win cause evaryone will think it's rigged by Eric!! -Rosie
is we any closer?????
yuki & kimiko
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