Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Wide Boddy Wenzday
This is my wide boddy pichur, but I fink it just shows how luvly an cuddly I am.
I hav a little kun-fesh-unn to make - I'm lonely. Yoo all may haf notissed that Flynn an Grr haf been bizzy making eyes at each uvver, an thay are always visiting each uvver. It's fun when I see Midnight an Cocoa too, but furry often I'm the odd one out. I haf notissed that lots of uvver kitties haf been haffing romances an flirting an such, like, Sammy an Abby, Miles an Sanjee, Mr. Hendrix an Brandi, an now I see KC an Jack are too. An I expect theer are lots of uvver kitties out theer too that I hafn't menshunned.
I feel a bit embarrist saying this, but if theer is enny kitty owt theer looking furr a big soft cuddly man, well *blush* I wud be furry pleezed to visit yoo.I am furry laid back and not furry affletick, but I do haf my moments when I run rownd the room at 100 miles an hour, an I am ex-sep-shun-lee good at caching grasshoppers. Flynn caches mice furr me wich I wud willinglee sheer, an also we haf Tem-tay-shuns an Nip heer too. If theer is enny lonely lady kitty out theer, then maybe I'm yer man.
P.S. I know how you feelz I'm the odd kitty here at homez. It's Sia and Shamy, and then therez Snowy and Taps
I'd love to hang out some time! But you do have to be ready to run around like a crazy kitten and then snuggle really close afterwards!
Eric - i gotta go hide now
Happy Thanksgiving!
DaisyMae Maus
Yoo shuld have a full bellie not a lonlie hart ovur thanksgiving! -rosie
Since yoo are sharing the mowsies yer brothur cawght and yoo put in the big cold box, I need to bring yoo sumthing. If yoo like "nip" I'll share my 50 pownds of it with yoo!?! -Rosie
Speed the man cat
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