Thursday, August 10, 2006
We've Been Tagged
and George, Tipper, Max and Misty.
Here are the rules:
The player of this game starts with 5 weird things/ habits about their self. In the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The people/ kitties who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/ habits, and state the rules clearly, then tag 5 more victims.Don't forget to leave your victims a comment on their blog that says, "You're tagged,read my blog for details"
We are tagging:
Beezer, Rascal, Smeagol and Strider, Princess Mia and Canberra bk.
Eric's weird things:
1 This has got to be my love of water, although I don't think I'm weird.
2 Mum throws me rolled up paper and I jump and catch it, then bring it back for her to throw again.
3 When the beans go to bed I like to go and bite their noses before we all go to sleep.Got mum in the soft bit in the middle of her nose the other night when she was nearly asleep. She called me a naughty name!!
4 We got 2 vishus deer that keep going in our bottom field, and I stalk them.
5 When mum gives me back scritches, my tongue goes in and out real fast.
Flynn's weird things.
1 I don't like bean food or fish.
2 I sit in our safe outdoors run at night and yowl at the moon until mum says "For goodness sake Flynn, come in and be quiet.
3 I'll spend hours chasing Grasshoppers (and eating them)
4 If something has been put back different, I fluff up all huge and keep batting it with my paw.
5 I like sleeping in the Greenhouse, even if there is a heatwave, and I prefer sleeping under the duvet to on top of the bed
Patches Lady
Flynn, I don't think there is anything wrong with howling at the moon. Perhaps your human pet doesn't understand that you have a fantabulous singing career in the lounge known as your backyard. You're just providing the other animals with regular nightly entertainment!
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